This post describes using item weights to define the relative frequency of drop rates.
Builds up a rational for a presented method for generating the additive constant of a LCG or Weyl sequence based PRNG.
Informal (and by-example) derivation of walking adjacent integers with the same population count as the input.
A sketch of a fast path filter to avoid explicit underflow checking following an addition or subtraction.
Derives stable look-at computations for Yaw/Pitch, swing-twist and quaternions
Example of a weighted sum of functions approximation: trisect an angle
Presents a map that paritions integers into the even and odd parity subsets where each are in increasing order
Describes a perfect shuffle using a bitset and the original pencil-and-paper Fisher-Yates method.
Given a unit quaternion $Q$ factor into a pair such that $Q = Q_rQ_a$ where $a$ is a predefined axis and $r$ is an orthogonal axis. This is commonly called swing-twist decomposition.
Describes simple transforms to generate random numbers with a given parity and the math background.
A brief explaination and implementation of the standard normal distribution approximation "on the cheap".
Some quick-n-dirty empirical results to spitball the error growth on composing rotations
Micropost on unbiased uniform float generation on $\left(0,1\right]$, $\left[-1,1\right)$ and $\left[-1,1\right)$. The latter two have twice the number of samples as the standard method.
A quick derivation of solving for LCG constants (power-of-two modulus) given three sequential outputs of the generator.
Walks through constructing faithfully rounded $\sin\left(\pi x\right)$ and $\cos\left(\pi x\right)$.
Sketches out some possible implementations of taking the logarithm of a uniform floating point value.
Computing Weyl (additive recurrence) sequences in float-point has some gotchas.
Micro-post on title.
Brushstrokes using FMAs to compute: K+x and Kx with K in higher than native precision.
TLDR: Use tau if you want, but you need a good argument to say pi was a historic mistake.