A breakdown on my joke approximation of $x^{2.2}$
Some notes computing the rotation half away between two inputs
A feasibility study to determine if an involution can be competitive (quality and cost) bit mixer.
A quick overview of what "Avalanche Effect" properties are, why they can be used to test and search for PRNGs and overview of how to convert the property into a comparision measurement.
In which I point to some other peoples blog posts and make some minor comments.
Some code for measuring the ULP distance between floats with comments.
A small note on division removal
First post in breaking down why the posits presentations are egregiously disingenuous.
micro post on title
Code for incrementally generating a spherical Fibonacci point set on a spherical cap
A short description of solving a quaternion rotation using vectors
Find the expression of a volume element of rotations.
Simplified description of bijections formed only from XORs and bit rotations.
A table and some comments on integer bijections.
A multistream low complexity random access PRNG/permutation generator.
A short note on computing the modular multiplicative inverse of an odd integer.
A small list of properties of full-period sequences for reference.
Skims the math of quaternions to rotations matrices and back with empirical errors including small angle special case.
Gives a mile-high overview of the Hopf map from geometry perspective.
An overview of full-range context-free quantization of quaternions into fixed bit package.