This was part of a draft version of “Quaternion half/double angle and Cayley transforms”. I broke this out because the methods are indepenent of either and are simply implications of computing relative quaternions and using the similarity transform.
We can rotate a bivector with the quaternion similarity transform. Given unit quaternion
Using the previous and a known
Breaking down these two steps:
Extract the relative angle information of
with respect to is: . This can also be expressed as: . The difference is the former composes the scale and the later computes relative scale. These hold for quaternions in general. -
Once we have the relative information applying the half-angle transform (square root) completes the forward transform.
I will only talk about unit bivectors but the same holds for arbitrary magnitude the math just needs to be carried through for that case.
Notice that the action here is really two dimensional. The first products’ role to to change our angle measuring stick from the direction of positive reals to the direction of
Example: let be up (as in positive )
As an example we can create a context free representation of normals by choosing a reference direction like positive
Renaming this result as:
At this point we have all the constraints on the values as listed at the end of the Preliminary stuff section of the half-angle/Cayley post1. Additionally we have the bivector part is orthogonal to the reference direction.
The reverse transform becomes:
We can visualize the forward transform as operations on a globe in its original space. The north pole
If we are projecting into the disc, then we view this global looking straight at the north pole using an orthographic projection. This disc projection is an area-preserving map.
- the north pole is mapped to
- positive half sphere
is mapped to the disc: - negative half sphere
is mapped to the annulus: - the south pole is mapped to the unit circle.
Complex maps in 3D
If we have some (quaternion valued) complex function
The action of
Using this and if we think of
Likewise the reverse transform becomes double the angle of
Sphere to disc and back again
The reverse transform from unit disc to unit sphere (
If we are only interested in say mapping the postive half sphere to the unit disc we can multiply through by
and we reverse this version by3:
This additional uniform scaling is still an area-preserving map.
The Lambert projection connection the azimuthal equal-area one
The standard formulation of Lambert’s maps a unit sphere to a disc with a radius of two. The quaternion formulation above maps to the unit disc. Setting
Applying the orthogonal projection and rewriting as a map yields:
Graphically this projection was originally formulated as this figure:
which is the arc with center
Conformal map sphere to plane/half-sphere to disc
If we take our original relative quaternion (
- the north pole is mapped to
- positive half sphere
is mapped to the unit disc - the equator is mapped to the unit circle
- negative half sphere
is the plane outside of the unit circle
This is a conformal mapping between our original points on
Breusing harmonic mean yet another sphere to disc and back
If we take our forward transform
Closing remarks
I could continue with some standard projections restated in quaternions. Wiechel becomes a half-angle and a rotation about
The following images are naive projections from the disc back to the sphere and half-sphere. They have 6-bits for each of
Two full sphere projections showing top, side and bottom. Half-angle (Lamberts) and Breusing for
Since Breusing on the full-sphere has the highest density in the “opposite” direction of reference, reformulation in terms of
Now a sequence of half-spheres projections showing top and side. Simple reconstruction of
References and Footnotes
Quaternion half/double angle and Cayley transforms (local post) ↩ ↩2 ↩3
This can also be expressed as:
since the product generally doesn’t commute. ↩ -
Uniform points on disc, circle and sphere (local post) ↩